Reminds me of the usual boost drink I always had. I'll be going for my first Tango lesson this thursday. It is more of a try and error sort of situation, but I'm more or less prepare for it. And I'll be signing up for a 6 month membership with Griffin University gym at a cost of $150, considering the high end lifestyle the Aussies are living. This is probably the cheapest gym I could find in Australia and its relatively close to where I'm staying.
This semester is pretty much gotta drain the very soul and strength out of me, I've taken a 48 credit research project which span for a year and another 12 credit Unix project. It sound crazy for most students, but it is the only and fastest path to reaching the entry point for PHD. (But I doubt I'll be taking PHD)
Nonetheless, my goal for this semester is to attain 3 HI-DIST or if worse come to worse 3 DIST. Anything lesser than that and I'll be disappointed in myself. I know I'm placing alot of pressure on myself, but this is the least I could do for my parents.
Learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was one of my most important goals in life. I'm not gotta be a mix martial art fighter or sort. I'm just learning it so that it covers the 3 aspects of street fighting, the 3 aspects were "Striking", "Clinching" and "Ground Techniques".
I can't really say I'm a pretty good striker, but well I manage keep up with my BXG muaythai instructors during several occasions, and they're damn good at what they do best "FIGHTING". So I've decide to process on to another discipline Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If time really permits me, I'll probably sign up for the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class at University of Queenlands. But for the time being, it seems that studies has to come first.
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