Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Nugget McNaught N.T.G

I've been traveling around Brisbane for almost a couple of days. So I've decided to visit the legendary N.T.G Gym. It was like a dream come true to see one of the best Australian fighters in the world "Nugget McNaught" himself. It took me quite some time searching for his gym, as it was located in a quiet ally in Wilson.

But when I found it, I was greeted with a warm welcome by Nugget. We had a short chat about his training schedule and prices on each lesson. But when I mention I was from Singapore. All he said was "So you know Zach...?" Sure, of course I do...

It was a great experience, letting me taking photos with him and his gym. Plus, I was given the previlage to witness his boys in actions, doing skipping, bag-works and pad-works. The only word I could describe them was AWSOME! Their punches were hard and fast, so were their kicks... and all of them seems so tactical in their style of fighting. Ending each combo with a low kicks and sort. Each and everyone of his fighters were personally trained by Nugget himself. Holding the pads and doing sparring with them, no wonder they were one of the best fighters in Australia.

I was able to stay for an hour before bidding farewell to Nugget. It was really an experience... As for those whom don't know who Nugget McNaught, he was one of Australia best fighters and won a numbers of awards both in Thailand and Australia and he has trained Soren "MonKongtong" N.T.G whom won Orono and Jomhod in Thailand. Soren is also one of the upcoming Australian fighters that participate in "The Contender Asia".

BTW, if anyone training at N.T.G please PM me. Thanks... for more photos on N.T.G please click "MyPhotoAlbum" link.

N.T.G Gym

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