宝贝if you're reading this, please get well soon! I promise I wouldn't stuff you with oily and fatty food anymore or maybe the just Nandos ok? and your problem is always my problem because you're my 宝贝ok? 宝贝!宝贝! 宝贝万岁........! 宝贝! 宝贝! 宝贝万岁....! 宝贝万万岁....
As for me, 我会在中国过新年 or I'll be celebrating my Chinese New Year in China with my entire family. Well, thats because my dad wanted something special this year and my mum wanted to have a "BANG BANG" 新年 with fireworks. As for me, I just wanted some quality family time as it has been quite some time since the entire family had a holiday together.
Well, 我的新年愿望是希望宝贝快点好!宝贝听到了吗?and to end the war in Gaza, with peace through out the world. Recently, I've seen a documentary with children being killed in war that doesn't belongs to them. Just by watching the documentary, I can feel the pain and hatred in the eyes of the Palestinian. Its so sad....
Dirty War - Israel/Palestine
A song delicated to my 宝贝, 希望你快点好。。。